GTL plants: converting flare gas and stranded gas to crude oi, diesel and Kerosene.

GTE plants: converting flare gas to electrical energy.

Nanoparticle traces technology: intelligent flow, diagnostic for production, injection and geothermal wells.

Advanced anti-corrosion, acid resistant coating, and chemical resistant coating technology. Our coatings prevent asset corrosion in the most demanding industrial processes deemed too severe for other coatings allowing greater process flexibility and extending operational life of equipment.

Sacrificial anodic coating , containing 96% Zinc dust with Zinc purity of 99.995 % and it is more superior than hot deep galvanize.
  • All types of hoses and expansion joints for serving all sectors of upstream, midstream, downstream, petrochemical, marine, airport...etc.

  • Electro-Chemistry: design engineering for corrosion monitoring and cathodic protection, site surveys, testing commissioning, concrete CP, Marine CP, Anti-Fouling, CP software.

  • Soil and sand set stabilization: controlling the soil from strong drifting sand dunes and stabilize unpaved areas.

  • Mitigation corrosion inhibitor technology to protect reinforcing metal in concrete form corrosion for a new structure or inhabit the further corrosion in all structure